Positive art creates positive reality

Tami Epstein

Tami Epstein

Positive art creates positive reality

Acrylic, ink, gold on paper, 30x20 cm


The Essence Of Life

The paintings are drawn swiftly and express joy and happiness from the bottom of the hearth & soul.

 the power of Hebrew letters and Psalms, in art.
Healing Art: I draw the person with healthy expressions. I draw the eyes' expression as happy ones. Also the ill limbs of the body,  I draw them as healthy and perfect.  Such a painting is able to create cured reality. For example: I painted Gilad Shalit when he was in captivity, as happy and smiling, framed within the Star of David.  I wrote on it: I am at home.  I gave the painting to Gilad's father. I know it helped!  I'm happy to help others this way. I truly believe that positive thoughts and art create positive reality.
Here you can see a painting which  I did for a lady who had thyroid cancer. Another painting is for a man who had cancer. I put the painting in his  bedroom, so he could look at it all the time. I created the expression of his eyes , a happy one.
I'll paint anyone who wants to heal (also from a photograph). I"ll change the expression of his eyes to a happy one, or the damaged limb to a healthy one. Such a painting has power to heal, either during the work itself or by looking at it hanging in the house. It defnately magnetizes and creates positive reality.
Such a painting, as mentioned before, i made for Gilad Shalit. All my friends painted him sad and suffering in prison. I painted him smiling and cheerful, inside a Star Of David, saying: shalom, i am at home. They painted him their way in order to create awareness, whereas i painted him in order to create a positive reality. I gave the paintings to Gilad's father in order to help.
At the moment I am busy creating a new series of paintings, which will help magnetizing good and unpolluted air to ISRAEL and the world.

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